Stock & commodity investments are subject to market risk , Please read the offer document and Before registering check all the terms and conditions on the website , Angel made money research do not provide any profit sharing services , guaranteed services , DMAT facility , and the services which are not mention in the website , If any person try to sell such type of product kindly call on : 7869247996


Risk Profiling

Risk profiling is a process for estimating financial risk-taking capacity and understanding the (psychological) risk tolerance level of an individual. We have compiled some questions that will help us to evaluate both the parameters. After submitting the answers, you will get the report via email. The questionnaire takes about 10-15 minutes for completion.

Risk Profile Questionnaire

Please Select below mentioned question’s answer.
  • What is your Age Group ?

  • What is your Investment Goal:

  • What is your Investment Amount

  • What is your Gross Annual Income

  • What is your Preferred Investment type

  • What is your Sources of Income

    A.Primary Source
    B.Secondary Source
  • What is your Trading Experience

  • What is Market Value of portfolio held according to you

  • What is your Experience in market products

  • How many dependents do you financially support ?

  • What is the size of your emergency fund ?

  • What is your experience with Share/Commodity Market ?

  • What is your experience with investments in past ?

  • When market is not performing well do you prefer to buy risky investments and sell less risky investments ?

  • Risk Tolerance

  • What percentage of monthly income is allocated to pay off debt [all EMIs]?

  • Occupation (please select the appropriate)

  • Are you any of the following, or are directly or indirectly related to any of the following